Design of local energy system with multi-technology integration – De Nieuwe Dokken, Koopvaardijlaan, Gent, Flanders – January 2019 – September 2021.
De Nieuwe Dokken is a project that consists of about 400 new apartments and houses but also aggregates industrial and commercial buildings.
In those households, the sustainability cooperative DuCoop is offering to dwellers several sustainability services such as providing energy and heat or purifying wastewater. In the framework of ROLECS, DuCoop is putting its cooperative model a test for the implementation of a LEC.
Primary objectives of this site
On De Nieuwe Dokken, Ducoop has designed and build a local energy system with integration of direct high voltage lines and the use of a virtual private grid. An intelligent monitoring and management system has been implemented in collaboration with the utility company Farys and cloud platform developer OpenMotics, to manage and control collective (industrial) energy consumption (water treatment plant, vacuum system, EV charging stations, heating grid, battery storage, etc.). DuCoop also improves energy-awareness in an urban energy community through information feedback and involvement.
DuCoop: investment analysis, implementation, project management.
Ingenium: engineering of the local energy network and system.
Openmotics: Data communication and system engineering.
University of Ghent: Design of the EMS algorithms.
Farys: Data communication and system engineering, SCADA engineering, safety and operational continuity.
Project website