P2P energy exchanges in a constrained industrial area – Haasrode, Flanders – January 2019 – September 2021.
Haasrode Industry is an industrial and research park, located just outside of the city of Leuven, in Flanders.
It includes several spin-offs of the Catholic University of Leuven (KUL) and logistic companies. The site suffers from severe mobility challenges and limited open space to ease the transition to an increased self consumption. A lot of the large-scale roof surfaces are on top of large energy consumers for whom energy prices are low and an investment in PV is not financially attractive.
The close interconnection with the city of Leuven and the link with Leuven2030 (an initiative supporting the energy transition for all actors in Leuven) have initiated an organizational change, i.e. the establishment of a non-for profit organization that will be in charge of the sustainability initiatives to transform this site towards a future proof zone.
Primary objectives of this site
Under the ROLECS project, the site is willing to reorganise and open to innovation. 3E will transform its SynaptiQ for buildings algorithms to enable a P2P exchange between a selection of companies. SynaptiQ is an advanced self-learning add on to an existing Building Energy Management system and enables optimisation through model predictive control. Advanced data analysis algorithms will regularly evaluate whether a recalibration is required. SynaptiQ for Buildings is a unique approach that will be extended here with P2P functionalities, adding an additional layer on the optimisation.